Hello World…

It is my first blog post. Nothing fancy. I just wanted to mark the start of something new.

Prateek Jain
2 min readNov 6, 2021
Photo by KOBU Agency on Unsplash

My name is Prateek Jain. I am an aspiring Software Engineer and will be joining as an intern at Commvault soon.

Writing is an integral part of every Software Engineers’ life, and I am not talking about writing just code. Technical documentations take up a majority of the working hours.

Initially, I thought I should wait for few more years, get more experience and exposure, and then set up a blog. That does sound like a plan. But then I felt it was an excuse to put off something to my future self. By doing so, I am relying on someone who does not even exist yet. And to think that my future self would be more responsible and disciplined enough to write than me is just wishful thinking. So I made up my mind to start anyway.

Moreover, I believe writing will give an opportunity to explore different fields and improve both my knowledge and skills. So there’s nothing to loose really.

My first few attempts at writing are probably not going to be that good in terms of the quality of content and overall presentation. With experience, I hope to improve both these areas.

Right now, I do not have a specific direction for the topics of my articles. The plan is to write as I come up with something interesting. I will be writing about Software Engineering topics that include Web/App Development, emerging technologies like Blockchain and AI, probably about Linux Administration and occasionally on some non-tech topics. Hopefully, in the next few years, the articles will become focused on certain specific topics.

I am not concerned about the viewership right now though it would be great to have a large audience in the long run. Currently, I am focused more on pushing out content than promoting the articles on social media. Once I have few blog posts under my belt, I will become more actively involved in promotions. That’s the formula I will use!

Successful Blogging



Prateek Jain

Software Engineering Intern @Commvault | CS Student @IIIT Guwahati | Motto : Boredom and Drudgery are Evil 😏